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Holistic Healing with Acupuncture

Start your journey with Traditional Chinese Medicine

Welcome to Liao Acupuncture Specialists

About Albert Liao, L. Ac. Dipl. NCCAOM                                                                   tel: 410-825-6667


We are located in Towson, MD at the Osler Professional Center, across the street from St. Joseph's Hospital. We see patients by appointment, only. Our hours are Mon, Thurs: 11am-5pm; Tues, Fri, Sat: 9am-12pm

We are in-network with Blue Cross Blue Shield and Cigna. Some other insurances will cover acupuncture out of network, please check with your insurance.


I work with my wife, Kristin, and we have 2 children.

My name is Albert Liao. I'm the acupuncturist you'll see when you come to Liao Acupuncture Specialists.


I'm national board certified and licensed to practice Acupuncture in Maryland.

I graduated from the Maryland Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine in early 2003 and joined my father's  acupuncture practice, located in Towson since 1976.


While most people come to acupuncture for pain relief, I treat all conditions where acupuncture is applicable, including GI problems, gynecological conditions (PMS, menopause, nausea during pregnancy), internal disorders, headaches/migraines, skin conditions, insomnia, stress/anxiety, asthma, sinusitis, post-surgical recovery and more.


What to expect when you come for acupuncture

We ask that you call us at 410-825-6667 to set up an appointment for a consultation. Please email me,, if you have any questions. The first visit takes about an hour.

I will sit down with you and ask questions about your complaint, take a brief medical history, explain how acupuncture can help and answer any remaining questions you might have. If you chose to, you will have a treatment during that first visit.


Acupuncture requires a series of treatments, typically 8-12 visits, twice per week. Though some people report relief right away, it generally takes 2-3 weeks to begin seeing results and several weeks after treatment ends to see the full benefit of acupuncture. In some situations additional courses of treatment are indicated.


Wear loose clothing. Most of the points I use are on the arms, legs and back, which are easier to access if you wear loose clothing. Should you need to undress, we supply disposable cover sheets.


Acupuncture is incredibly safe. The common side effects of acupuncture are needle site bruising and temporary soreness. In rare instances, a patient may experience syncope due to a drop in blood pressure. We mitigate this by having the patient lie down for treatment when possible and we ask that you come hydrated and fed.


Meet Albert
Why Naturopathy

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is the insertion of a thin, solid needle (filiform needle) in to points on the body. These points belong to meridians which correspond to internal organs of the body. Acupuncture promotes the body's analgesic, anti-inflammatory and healing functions and can treat nearly all ailments. Acupuncture has a relatively high efficacy rate, being effective for 65-70% of people.


Acupuncture is one of the primary treatment modalities of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The theory of Chinese Medicine dates back several thousand years and centers around balancing the Qi or energy of the body for optimal health. It was known to the Western world in a limited context, but received more publicity in 1971 when New York Times columnist James Reston was treated with acupuncture after an emergency appendectomy in China.


Acupuncture is generally viewed as an adjunct or complementary therapy. I believe acupuncture should be a primary therapy. Many of my patients find acupuncture when they've run out of options and still have no resolution to their symptoms. In most of those cases, acupuncture was successful in relieving symptoms.

Why Acupuncture?

Here are just a few conditions it can help with


Acupuncture can help with inflammation and pain associated with IBS, Crohn's and Colitis.

Post-surgical recovery

Studies show acupuncture aids in healing after joint surgery, speeds recovery and reduces use of pain medication.

Pain conditions

While low back pain is the most common use for acupuncture, it can also treat neuropathy and many other pain conditions.

Women's Health

PMS lower abdominal pain, headaches and fatigue can be mitigated with acupuncture, as well as menopausal hot flashes and night sweats. We also treat endometriosis and fibroids.

Headaches/ Migraines

Headaches of all kind respond extremely well to acupuncture treatment


The body cannot heal under stress. Mitigating stress is an important part of holistic healing.


Your Health Starts Here

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Contact Info


(410) 825-6667

Osler Professional Center

Towson, MD 21204


Mon & Thurs: 11am-5pm

Tues, Fri, Sat: 9am-12pm

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